
Glossary - Acronyms and abbreviations in Eve-Online

af Attack Frigate
afik As Far as I Know
afk Away From Keyboard
bc BattleCruiser
bpc BluePrint Copy
bpo BluePrint Original
brb Be Right Back
bs BattleShip
cap Capacitor
can A container for other objects, could be a station container, cargo container or jettison container
dps Damage Per Second
frig Frigate
hac Heavy Attack Cruiser
hauler Ship used to transport cargo. Usually an industrial class ship
igb In Game Browser - the web browser built into Eve-online
indy Industrial class ship
inty Interceptor class ship
lol Laugh Out Loud
Cubic meters, a measure of the volume of an object, or capacity of a container
mwd MicroWarpDrive (either a module, or flying a ship using one)
npc Non Player Character
omw On My Way
pos Player Owned Structure
pve Player Versus Eve - fighting a npc
pvp Player Versus Player - fighting another player character
rat Normally a npc to be engaged in combat
rl Real Life - ie. not in the game
rofl Roll On the Floor Laughing
roid Asteroid (somtimes written 'roid)
sec Security
tackle To tackle is catch and hold and enemy ship using web and warp scramble or warp disrupter modules.
tackler A ship intended tackle other ships. As it needs to be fast in order to catch the enemy, it will normally be a frigate. As frigates can be destroyed by larger ships, tacklers are normally small fast cheap frigates, regarded as expendable. If you can afford to loose it, an interceptor is a t2 frigate designed for tackling
tank A tank is a setup or ability to deal with incoming damage. A ship will be set up to adsorb damage using shields (shield tank) or armour. It is usually a bad idea to try to do both on a single ship.
t1 Tier one
t2 Tier two