
Phoenix Co-Op Activities and operations

Coordination of any operation

Ok so it's all very well all being together in a corp but unless a system exists so that people are aware of any Group operations then it don't count for nadda. Therefore the following procedure will exist for anyone whishing to manage an operation. And remember this can be anyone, provided you can run it professionally and provide all the data needed for people to know how to attend and what's needed etc. Also remember that players in certain roles are more likely to post operations than others. For example the Head of Mining Ops, or HMO, is more than likely to post proposed group mining ops than say the Fleet commander, who may very well post a group pirate hunt form time to time. Therefore get to know the people and their titles. That said anyone can run an op. This is a very group orientated corp, so don't be shy to propose something


For the majority of our members running missions forms a large part of their time spent in Eve. As well as this we recognise that Lvl 4 missions can be inaccessible to some players due to lack of either skills or hardware. Therefore we try to run group operations to farm Lvl 4 missions as often as possible.

It is also to be noted that with the addition of Lvl 5 and Lvl 6 mission content to the game, mission running at these levels will not be a solo occupation. Therefore although Lvl 4 mission running in groups can at times not prove as lucrative as say low sec complexes, gearing up for the Lvl 5 content will be a viable option for us, and very economically profitable to run in groups.

In coordinating group mission runs we advise the following split of responsibilities.

Everything is equally split as best as possible, and sometimes for the sake of profits groups may be restricted in numbers (ten people running a Lvl 4 is not a profitable system to operate)

Low sec ratting or Complexes

It is simply a case of having sufficient numbers in large enough ships. But a few extra procedures will allow you to run ops in Low sec with sufficient safety thus here is a run down of how a textbook complex or ratting op might occur.

Always try to run these in groups when it suites you to do so. In regards to ratting, the best procedure is to split up and spawn rats within a system, if someone then gets into trouble all other gang members can then warp on top of him and deal with the threat.

In the case of complexes, if at all possible, always leave one corp member in a lower Lvl of the complex sitting far away from the gate in a BS or long range ship to watch and deal with pirates or hostile corp gangs. A cruise missile fitted Raven or two with sensor boosters is an ideal candidate for forcing pirates to warp out and abandon a raid on complex runners. This is because they have a superior range for bombarding them.

Also it makes sense when say running drone hives to bring a fast looting destroyer or cruiser and if possible a hauler to farm the minerals. In time with resources we should be able to simultaneous camp multiple Lvls of Lvl 5 Complexes with long range guards in the second room, and fast looting craft and haulers picking up what the rest kill off respawn until we fill each hauler with mines. But that is just a suggestion on my part on how to make them extremely profitable.


A basic stable but can be rewarding in groups and with myself (Hanius Valm). Looking to field a mining Forman based command ship fitted to make each mining crafts lasers 30% or more efficient we can make this a viable option. Low sec operations are also something we can look to run once the command ship is there to support with the tanking and killing of rats whilst making process more efficient. There are plenty of small quiet 0.4 systems where this is very possible and potential risk kept low. See mining and manufacturing link for more info


As well as operations aimed to bond, and make isk as well as improving our gang abilities as a corporation we are always keen for people to host none profitable but sometimes more enjoyable activities such as frigate tournaments and so forth. So if you can think of a good idea post it and we will see if we can implement it.